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Economic Development Committee Agenda 09-11-17

Monday, September 11, 2017 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall

EDC Scheduled Meetings 7:00pm

  • Meet new potential member Robert Kalagher
EDC Business   7:10pm

  • Minute Approval
  • Ongoing Projects 7:15pm
-       Brochure Update (Printed and Distributed)
-       EDC Website
       -       Discuss progress of subcommittee’s work so far
-       Welcome Sign Update (Maintenance Fee and management discussion)
-       Social Media Update
-       Welcome Letters
  • Current Business   7:30 pm
  • New Business 7:35 pm
  • Vacant Commercial Space 7:40 pm
-       Discuss strategy and brainstorm on how we can help fill vacant space.
  • Town Policy Updates pertaining to Businesses. 7:55
-       Discuss big picture policy items that could help business community.
-       Determine other committee’s/sub-committee in town the EDC can be present on or drive in town to help with overall economics of town (117 planning committee, beautification, etc…)
-       Choose a direction the EDC wants to focus on this year.